Infrared radiation (IR), sometimes known as infrared light, is a form of electromagnetic radiation outside the visual spectrum. It gets its name from the fact that it lies just beyond the wavelength of red light. It is often categorized as near-infrared (NIR), infrared (IR), and far infrared (FIR) radiation. NIR wavelength ranges from 700 – 810 nanometers (nm), IR wavelength ranges from 810 – 3000 nm, and FIR ranges from 3000 – 100,000 nm
These differences in wavelength cause infrared radiation to have a
range of effects and medical uses. It also has the ability to penetrate
human tissue, as the wavelength with the greatest ability to penetrate
tissue in regards to tissue lies between 690 and 900 nanometers
ThermoLax Far infrared heating pads are dramatically different from the heating pads available at the corner drugstore. Traditional heating pads work from the outside in. When you remove a typical heating pad, the therapeutic value quickly goes away. In contrast, far infrared penetrates through the skin and insulating layer of fat, two to three inches into the body, producing a warming effect from the inside out. Far infrared penetrates quicker and provides a faster response in the body, and its warming benefits continue after use.
Far infrared raises the body’s surface temperature. Heat helps increase circulation, which may benefit people who suffer from circulatory issues. Infrared heat increases surface blood flow without increasing blood pressure, by promoting dilation of the blood vessels. A further benefit of heat is improved flexibility. Older individuals in particular can lose elasticity of muscle fibers and connective tissue due to lack of regular exercise. Warming up the muscle and connective tissue can help it become more pliable, restoring its elasticity.
The benefits of infrared heat may be further enhanced by natural jade stone. Jade is the most efficient natural infrared heat absorber of all the semiprecious stones. When run through jade, far infrared passes its heat smoothly to the body. It also creates negative ions, which is a further benefit. Our bodies are positively charged, and introducing the body to a negative ion environment (such as that found at the ocean side) is calming and soothing.
Far Infrared Heat Therapy is one of the most effective ways to naturally boost our immune systems. An immune system is a system of biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease by identifying and killing pathogens and tumor cells. This is especially important during the cold and flu season when a large number of bacteria and viruses are being spread from person to person.
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